why burn or bury ? instead donate them
drushti daan eyebank

News and Events

EYE Donor


How can you help : Become a drushti daan volunteer


 drushti daan will be delighted to accept offers of help from interested volunteers. Being a volunteer for the eye donation movement is a wonderful and rewarding experience.   This is a mission that cannot be done by any one person alone. 

Volunteers with communicating skills will be helpful to conduct public awareness programmes. 

Volunteers can give audio-visual presentations at various organizations, hospitals, institutions, schools, and eye bank events. 

Volunteers are needed to man informational exhibitions throughout the year at various locations in the State. 

Volunteers can share personal stories of donation and transplantation with public. 

Volunteers are needed for sensitive motivation of families of the deceased for eye donation. 

Volunteers can help in counseling the families to donate eyes of their dear ones in their neighborhood and in hospitals for HCRP. 

Volunteers can liaison with public for this cause by disseminating information and educate the public in general on eye donation.


You can help spread the message :

 "Donate eyes to the Eye Bank (within six Hours after death) Before burying or burning the body".


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